How Cognitive Performance Leads to a Competitive Edge

cognitive performance edge

When it comes to achieving peak athletic performance, it's vital to understand the profound link between nutrition and cognitive function. While physical training is a cornerstone, the influence of proper nutrition on cognitive performance is a significant change. In this blog post, we'll explore the compelling relationship between nutrition and cognitive function and how it can revolutionize athletic performance. From the impact of specific nutrients to meal timing, we'll uncover the pivotal factors that can empower athletes to leverage the power of nutrition for superior cognitive function and overall athletic success. 

When it comes to reaching peak athletic performance, it's crucial to recognize the strong connection between nutrition and cognitive function. While physical training is essential, the impact of proper nutrition on cognitive performance should not be underestimated. 

For a Performance Edge, consider these key strategies: 

  1. Consume foods which fuel the mind and body. Cognitive performance is just as important as physical energy. Nutrients important for the mind include omega 3, choline and vegetables and fruits. An example of a mindfully, nourishing meal for performance can be a bowl of oatmeal, with crushed walnuts and prune bits, low fat milk, and a side of hardboiled egg.

  2. Get a proper night sleep. Without sound sleep, cognitive performance is compromised, so turn off all cell phones, TVs and blue lights.

  3.  Stay Hydrated. Drinking 2-3 liters of fluid daily, maintaining fluid volume helps with cognitive performance and a performance edge.


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