Mental Health Performance Coach - Lisa Dorfman

mental health performance coach

I’m Lisa Dorfman, a Sports Counselor a Licensed Sports Nutritionist, a Licensed Mental Health Therapist, and Mental Performance Coach and mental performance coach known globally by colleagues, clients, and friends as The Running Nutritionist.®

As a Licensed Mental Health Coach, my role is to build my finest athletes into gold medalists and take those with potential talent to build their mental strength and mental skills, determination and provide them with the Mental Skills they need to compete at their best, heathiest and most confident self.

As became a Licensed Health Counselor and  Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Board Certified in Sports Dietetics, there are just a handful worldwide, experts like me who can offer such an wide variety of Mental Health Counseling, offering a brought range of eclectics, evidenced based services with my ethics if code licensed in each I=of these area. athletes and those in the performing arts a comprehensive approach to overcoming anxiety, fear, and trauma preventing them from reaching their goals in sport, health and life.

You see, I know firsthand.

My journey to Mental Health Therapy began as a professional musician, aspiring to play music for a living, until a drunk driver hit me head on and change my life and career forever. As a professional triathlete and runner dates back to '84, I continued to enjoy and make a living competing worldwide and finishing in top places in hundreds of races; as a member of TeamUSA for the Long Distance Duathlon World Championships, and more than 35 marathons (PR 2:52:32), Ironman USA Lake Placid, and hundreds of running and multisport races until my career was cut short in ’21 by another life changing event—a near-fatal hit and run car accident. My Mental Skills being their finest, my health and diet at their peak were just some of the tools I used in ensuring full recovery to what I loved. Now I dedicate myself to helping others from suffering.

My clients know I wholeheartedly understand the trials and tribulations, can give them the mental skills the emotions of the broken athlete and understand the process and journey of the climb back to optimal healing, living- physically and emotionally.

Instead of seeing yourself as broken, I incorporate the practice of Japanese term Kintsugi where kin means golden and repair tsugi. Kintsugi is the process of repairing ceramics with laqeuer and gold leaving a gold seam which is believed to give the object a new more refined aspect. 

You see we are all athletes in life, just looking for mental skills and Mental Strength, the belief in yourself  and strategies to help you navigate through the marathons of your life—

I believe that each one of us are the experts of our own story, my role as a mental performance coach  is to merely help clients draw on their strengths to help them overcome the issues holding them back from achieving their personal best now and in the future. 

I am here as a mental performance coach to support & empower you in that journey.


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