Channeling Positive Energy by Diversifying Summer Dishes

No doubt this has been a tough year dealing with the COVID cloud of stress, seclusion with and from loved ones, amplified by social tensions and anger directed towards Blacks, Asians and innocent bystanders shot at the grocery store, church, school, yoga classes, concerts, on military bases and anywhere someone can point a gun at a crowd.

I see this as an opportune time in our country to share peace, joy and love--to accept and embrace one another, our differences and similarities. By sharing, supporting, and loving thy neighbor, we bring good “CHI” which means the "vital force forming part of any living entity."

A New Beginning

With summer at our doorstep, this is also a wonderful time to bring positive chi to our bodies by diversifying our dishes with new farm fresh vegetables, seasonings, preparation methods and of course delicious Fullei Fresh sprouts. By visiting and supporting your local farmers in Homestead and the Redlands, and our multicultural Asian, Caribbean, and Latin markets, you will not only support our local small business communities but find an entire world of new flavors, inspiring you to wake up your body to all the possibilities with just a few simple ingredients.

For example, this month I introduce you to nopales, rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, a common ingredient in numerous Mexican dishes. The “steak” for vegetarians.

Seapoint Farms frozen organic riced edamame is a delicious high protein, high fiber, high calcium and uber high potassium alternative to the trendy cauliflower rice and worth the purchase if you are looking for additional protein in your diet. As for sprouts, I cannot think of a better accompaniment and infusion to this month’s tortillas and salad than Fullei Fresh Alfalfa/Clover sprouts. Mild and delicious in any dish, a high protein, high fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin K boost to anyone’s daily diet.

Summer Recipes

These mix and match recipes can be prepared and consumed together, with fresh garden Alfalfa Clover Sprouted Salad mix, with chilled gazpacho or pureed squash or fruit soup, eaten as leftovers or as snacks.

Grilled Nopales with Riced Edamame Succotash

- Serves 2

Grilled Nopales


  • 2 Farm Fresh Nopales

  • Salt and pepper to taste


I prefer the natural taste of nopales, salt and pepper to taste, grilled just until softened and browned about 5-8 minutes on smokeless indoor grill.

You can marinade 1st for 1 hour with one of the following options, remove from marinade and grill:

Go Asian with:

  • 1/8 cup rice wine vinegar

  • 2 Tbls low sodium soy or tamari sauce

  • 1 Tbls. minced lemongrass

  • 1 tsp minced fresh chili

  • 1 tsp minced chives

Go Mexican with:

  • 1 Tbls olive oil

  • 2 Roasted garlic cloves minced.

  • ¼ cup yellow onion chopped small.

  • Chili pepper or 1 fresh aji rojo pepper minced.

Riced Edamame Succotash


  • 1 cup frozen organic “riced” Edamame

  • ½ cup organic sweet corn frozen

  • 1 fresh aji rojo chili minced (optional)

  • 2 Tbls chopped fresh cilantro ‘salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Grill edamame and corn on smokeless griddle pan for 5-8 minutes until browned.

  2. Add chili if desired and grill 1-2 more minutes.

  3. Season with salt and pepper, add fresh cilantro before serving.

Wheatgrass Infused Alfalfa Clover Sprouted Tortillas

- Creates four 5“ tortillas


  • 1 cup Pan white corn meal.

  • 1 ¼ cup hot water

  • 1/8 cup wheatgrass juice

  • ¼ cup Fullei Fresh alfalfa clover sprouts


  1. Blend cornmeal with hot water, add wheatgrass juice.

  2. Add Fullei Fresh alfalfa/clover sprouts and blend.

  3. Divide tortilla dough, use tortilla press to flatten with rolling pin between 2 parchment or wax sheets of paper.

  4. Grill on smokeless griddle until brown on both sides, about 8-10 minutes.

Wheatgrass Pulp Infused Mint Yogurt Cheese


  • 1 cup 0% Greek yogurt (or Almond, Cashew, Coconut yogurt if vegan)

  • 2 Tbls. Wheatgrass pulp- shredded finely.

  • ½ tsp Fresh mint

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place yogurt in strainer over bowl for 24 hours.

  2. Remove curds, top portion from strainer, mix with wheatgrass pulp until blended.

  3. Season with fresh mint leaves, salt, and pepper to taste.

This can be used as a dip for fresh crudité. Yogurt can be seasoned with garlic and/or onion powders or fresh herbs and sprouts of your choice.

Use these Affiliate Codes to receive discounts when buying ingredients:
Fullei Fresh - FOODFITNESS1
Farmer Jones Farm - LISADORFMAN


Mental Health Performance Coach - Lisa Dorfman


Black Sapote aka Chocolate Pudding Fruit